MZ Skin Tint & Protect review

With summer finally upon us the search for an effective moisturiser that can also protect the skin has taken on a new sense of urgency. However, there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon in the form of MZ Skin Tint & Protect.

Described as a Skin Perfecting SPF 30 Tinted Moisturiser, this powerful 30ml bottle delivers on its promises and does so much more for your skin. The fact that MZ Skin Tint & Protect provides SPF 30 means that its Sun Protection Factor (SPF) blocks 97 per cent of UVB rays. UVB rays are the kind of radiation that causes sunburn, damages skin, and can contribute to skin cancer.

During our ten day trial with MZ Skin Tint & Protect, we were hugely impressed by its ability to moisturise the skin while also increasing moisture retention. Its effective use of Kahai Nut Oil ( rich in vitamins A, E and F) means MZ Skin Tint & Protect does a remarkable job of boosting skins lipid content. As any epidemiologist will tell you chronologically aged skin is usually characterized by a dramatic reduction in epidermal lipid content, resulting in dehydration and altered skin barrier function. The result: your skin looks older and shows the tell-tale signs of wrinkles and fine lines.

Crucially I found the tint provided by MZ Skin Tint & Protect was incredibly light and soft on my skin and after just a few applications I realised that my ever-present fine lines and crows feet around the eyes had blurred to a point that they had all but disappeared. Think of the soft focus blurring we used to have in movies and you’re close to the effect MZ Skin Tint & Protect creates. And all of that from the convenience of your own bathroom. After just four days my skin had a noticeable glow about it that I could only attribute to MZ Skin Tint & Protect’s use of Vitamin C. It’s worth noting that Vitamin C is also an antioxidant, meaning it protects skin cells from damaging free radicals caused by UV exposure.

MZ Skin Tint & Protect also blended well with my skin complexion (perfect for women with uneven skin tone) and had a delicate scent that was both pleasant and unobtrusive. Although the search for the elixir of eternal youth may be far from over, MZ Skin Tint & Protect provides a wonderful solution for preventing prematurely ageing skin while also providing full spectrum UVA and UVB protection. Highly recommended.

A huge thank you to John Bell & Croyden for our review product of MZ Skin Tint & Protect.

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