Technology Advances in Cosmetic Surgery

There have been numerous advances in how technology is used in cosmetic surgery in recent years. In some cases, technology advances have led to treatments becoming available that are cheaper and less invasive, making some cosmetic procedures more appealing and accessible to the wider public.

Here is an overview of how technology has changed some of the most popular types of cosmetic surgery in recent years.

Endoscopic Facelift

One of the drawbacks of undergoing a traditional facelift is the potential for scarring. Image conscious individuals who would perhaps love to undergo a facelift might be put off for this reason, particularly if the outcome of the surgery makes it obvious they have had the procedure. When undergoing an endoscopic facelift, rather than the surgeon creating an incision from your temples around to and behind your ears, small incisions of 4mm-5mm are made at the temples and scalp, and the endoscope used to perform all necessary elements of the surgery.

What are the benefits enjoyed by undergoing an endoscopic facelift?

  • Minimal, and in some cases no noticeable, scarring
  • Minimal risk of experiencing any permanent numbness to the face
  • As it focuses on specific areas of the face, surgeons can provide a better result

The only downside of endoscopic facelifts is that they only focus on the top two-thirds of the face. If you’re looking for improvements in the lower face and neck region, then you will need to opt for a traditional facelift. You do have the option of undergoing both procedures, meaning you can still benefit from the outcomes of an endoscopic facelift if you wish.

Fat Transfer for Breast Augmentation

This technique of breast augmentation is relatively new and in the medical industry is considered pioneering. It is already a popular procedure owing to its simplicity and non-invasive nature. When you opt for a breast augmentation procedure utilizing the fat transfer method, your surgeon will take fat from a specific area of your body – which you can usually choose yourself in your consultation – and inject it back into the breasts.

Patients undergoing this procedure will usually be required to wear an external expander while sleeping for a number of weeks prior to the surgery. This helps create a vacuum within the existing breast tissue for the fat to be injected during the procedure.

The benefits of undergoing breast augmentation using the fat transfer technique include:

  • Non-invasive surgery; no large cuts so implants can be inserted, and thus no scarring
  • Only small needle pokes are used to inject the fat
  • Faster recovery time versus other breast augmentation methods

This technique is ideal for women looking for a relatively small increase in breast size or who are simply looking to improve the form and appearance of their breasts. The fat transfer method also leads to a final outcome that is more natural looking.

Smartlipo for Liposuction

Despite being a popular treatment, liposuction has long been a source of controversy, with numerous medical professionals and studies questioning its safety. Although liposuction has long been generally regarded as safe, choosing to undergo Smartlipo or a similar non-invasive treatment is an option for anyone looking to lose fat but that still holds concerns.

In contrast to liposuction, which removes fat from your body in solid form using a cannula, laser technology is used for Smartlipo, and fat is melted away and removed in liquid form. Undergoing Smartlipo means your body will experience lower levels of trauma and the recovery time from the procedure can be much quicker.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing is a simple procedure, and is usually completed on an out patient basis, meaning you will leave the clinic the same day. It is a useful procedure for anyone who wants to improve their facial skin appearance, whether to counter the effects of ageing, sun damage, wrinkles, acne, or anything else. This procedure utilizes a laser to remove skin one layer at a time. As you heal, the new skin cells will create a younger and tighter surface, improving your appearance.

Laser skin resurfacing can be done alone or in conjunction with other facial cosmetic procedures. You can choose to undergo laser skin resurfacing to treat specific areas of the face, or undergo a procedure for your whole face. While laser skin resurfacing will not give you perfect skin, it will improve your appearance, and is a non-invasive alternative to other common facial cosmetic treatments.